Get Involved
Can you provide faith-related expertise? If so, you can get involved as an advisor, or as a contributor, curator, or content-creator.
Can you provide tech skills? If so, you can help us make the Perennial website kickass.
Can you provide grassroots/organisation contacts? If so, you can help us create partnerships with people, networks and orgs that might love what we’re doing, and love to be a part of it.
Can you provide funding? We’re not seeking money just yet as this is a spontaneous, voluntary, ground-up effort to co-create something beautiful and majestic, reflective of Being Itself. But keep us in mind as resources would come in handy to make this project sustainable.
Can you provide organisational expertise? If so, you could help us with the strategic, organisational and business planning that could help us solidify the project and its sustainability.
If you'd like to get involved and help out, contact us through the form below with details of who you are, what you do, and what you can offer.